Maria Pareo | Psychoenergetic Work®

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Authentic and Toxic Emotions

What Are Authentic Emotions?

Authentic or natural emotions are joy, pain, fear, anger, disgust and surprise. These movements help us evaluate inner states like danger, loss, violation, gratification, etc., inform us about our needs and complete emotional cycles in the present moment.

"I am in danger. I feel fear. I need to escape or defend myself."

What are toxic emotions?

Toxic emotions are responses that cover or replace effective and congruent emotions and are unsuitable for problem-solving.

My personal boundaries are crossed, and I replace anger (becoming assertive) with shame, which is ineffective in solving the situation.

Toxic emotions, such as pleasing or sacrificing, are often learned, imitated, or encouraged during childhood and ca be indirectly used to gain recognition and attention from others.

Ready to EXPLORE your emotional landscape? Connect with ME for personal guidance.