Maria Pareo | Psychoenergetic Work®

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Benefits of Couples Healing Work

  • Improved Communication Effectiveness: Expressing personal needs and desires and actively listening to your partner helps reduce self-emotional involvement (to take it personally at all times or to remain entangled) and overwhelm.

  • Conflict Resolution: Unresolved and repetitive issues can create distance and resentment. In the session, you can start having productive discussions and initiate a negotiation process in which you both work equally to find a better balance and solutions.

  • Rebuilding Trust: Trust is crucial in any relationship, and various events or actions can damage it. A safe space helps rebuild trust by addressing the underlying issues and establishing new patterns of trustworthiness.

  • Enhanced Intimacy and Connection: Couples therapy can lay a deeper foundation for healthy emotional connections and profound intimacy, creating stronger complicity.

  • Increased Self-awareness: Through the healing process, you will gain insight into your own emotions, behaviours, and patterns. This increased self-awareness can lead to personal growth and a better understanding of how you contribute to the relationship dynamics.

  • Identifying Negative Patterns: Couples often fall into boredom negative interactional patterns, perpetuating conflict and dissatisfaction. Working consciously helps you recognise and replace these patterns with healthier and positive ones.

  • Rediscovering Love and Affection: Over time, the initial passion in a relationship may fade. Couples therapy can help you rediscover love and affection for each other by rekindling emotional connections, appreciation and nurturing the relationship.

  • Shared Growth and Goals: Psycho Energetic therapy will encourage you to work together toward shared goals and aspirations. This collaborative approach strengthens the sense of partnership, alliance and common purpose.

  • Preventing Future Issues: Learning effective communication, strategies and conflict resolution skills can support you to reduce and manage future challenges more sensibly and effectively.

  • Support During Transitions: You may need or seek therapy during significant life transitions, such as becoming parents, moving, or dealing with career changes. A therapeutic space can provide valuable support and guidance during these times.