Maria Pareo | Psychoenergetic Work®

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What are Essenian Therapies?

The human body is an energy system in tune with the universe. Any imbalance in the body obstructs energy flow, which results in illness and inner conflicts. Good health is the result of a balanced energy field, with a smooth flow of energy and a proper alignment of thoughts, words and actions.

Egyptian/Essene therapies help realign the body with its essence, restoring a harmonious circulation in the physical and subtle bodies, Nadis, Meridians, Chakras and sub-Chakras.

By using precise techniques, sounds (voice attunement) and consecrated oils, I will guide you to identify, express and release blocked energies to promote healing and deep integration.

How does it work?

The Essenian approach is infused with compassion, genuine support and care. The therapist works simultaneously on the physical and subtle bodies, including Nadis and chakras. The use of specific techniques and oils on the skin facilitates the release of toxic energies and restores the flow of prana in the whole organism.

Egyptian/Essene Healing helps with:

• Emotional overwhelmed

• Deep Trauma

• Mental confusion

• Addictions and co-dependency

• Chakra balancing and energy flow

• Chronic fatigue, tiredness, detachment

• Spiritual awakening

• Menstrual period irregularity

• Loss of a child/abortion.

Egyptian/Essene therapeutic sessions cannot be sporadic and discontinuous, especially at the beginning. For better results, commitment is essential.