Maria Pareo | Psychoenergetic Work®

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STEEPING OUT OF THE BOX: From Fixidity to Fluidity

So you have been living all your life in autopilot mode, believing that what you are doing, what you think and how you feel is the only way because this is what you have learned and how you respond to life as a reaction to life.

And now you are thinking about: is this convenient for me? Is this what I want? Is this how I want to move forward in my life? Is this serving me? Eventually, at some point in life, you start questioning if all the things you do, the way you do it, are the best way.

Yesterday, I read something quite interesting about transitioning from "fixidity to fluidity", and it was really interesting because we are a bit fixated on the way we live our life; we go on this path with these fixed ideas, with these fixed terms on how things should be done and what the result my should be. We go into relationships in this way, with these expectations of what should happen or what to expect from it; it's a little bit like when you go to the supermarket, you buy what's available, there are not many surprises, you know exactly where to go, you have your list of things that you want to buy. You get out of the supermarket with your bags, and there is nothing new in the bags because you are just buying what the makers have been offering you. What about you create a new way of shopping, imagining things that are not available yet, so you're not just buying what is available?

Still, you are thinking out of the box, and you start thinking that perhaps some things are not familiar to you yet; they are alien to you now, but you may want to experience them moving forward. New possibilities, new pathways, so you start moving out from these structured and unconscious ways you are living your life, a bit fixed, a bit rigid, and you start activating what we call in hypnotherapy, the higher mind. When you are in that state, new possibilities arise, even the way you perceive the experience is different because the way you are living the experience, you are preparing yourself from a different perspective, with a different inner attitude towards what may come your way or what you may go towards to, you're no longer narrowing your options to what you already know. Still, you are open to things that may be available to you that are unknown. When you go through this process, I always like to start with the body; when there is fluidity, you can start feeling that sense of movement and dynamism within the body. It starts with your breath and then expands to your muscles, and then you spread it through the bones and move it beyond your energy field.

That fluidity is like the inner dance of all parts of yourself trying to negotiate, compromise, and find new agreements and ways. It's your brain starting to open up to new ideas and concepts that are unfamiliar to you at this very moment, expanding your perspective and giving you different ways to approach life itself and people. Job-wise, if you're looking for a new job adventure, it is essential to embrace it instead of remaining stuck and fixated on the things you already know. As I always say, don't let limiting past beliefs get in your way.