Maria Pareo | Psychoenergetic Work®

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Money VS Time, what about Health? A mum's perspective.

People often discuss the balance between having enough money and enough time. Still, I rarely hear considerations about energy levels need it to complete several tasks or achieve specific goals in life.

Some of us may have lots of time, enough financial resources, or both, but what happens if we need more energy or health resources to do what we want?

I reflected on this topic recently because, as a healthy and active woman, I never had to think about the importance of being mindful of my energy resources or worrying about losing my overall health until it happened.

As many women do, I had a very challenging birthing and postpartum experience that made me lose control of my overall self. Even if I have hard skin and I prepared myself for years, I know now that I wasn't well equipped to manage what happened to my body and soul when my son was born and in the following years.

Because of exhaustion, severe post-natal depression, physical pain and years of sleep deprivation, I had to stop working several times and use the energy left mindfully to integrate motherhood into my life and return to myself finally.

This, of course, opened up another reflection... "is this ever going to be a healthy and fair society for women who are also mothers, taking into consideration postpartum consequences that may vary from one woman to another? Is society ever going to prepare couples adequately for this experience?

Going back to the topic, stopping a newborn business can be catastrophic in a society like this and significantly impact your mental health and confidence. 

As an entrepreneur and a very active soul, I felt broken and powerless when I couldn't achieve my goals; I couldn't do what I loved, even when I had time and money. I was tired 24/7, and I couldn't buy more energy! I felt so frustrated and upset and started feeling inadequate, a failure and losing hope.

Everybody seemed to be moving forward, and all the other mums seemed to be doing much better than me; I constantly felt behind, trying to catch up, but nothing seemed to be helping me.

This has been a powerful and eye-opening experience for me. For the very first time in my life, I had to stop entirely and accept this was going to take the time it needed, and I just couldn't rush the process. 

It hasn't been pleasant. I had to fight very hard with a part of me that didn't want to accept it! I didn't want to be broken... I tried to carry on with my everyday life; consequently, I almost destroyed myself for not listening.

Pain, my best friend in these years, taught me the importance of respecting my human limits and listening to the voice within, ignoring stupid societal stereotypes. Health is really everything we have!

I didn't need to prove anything to no one, especially myself; there is nothing noble in feeling burned out or miserable all the time. You won't get any medals for it! I now finally know what it truly means to enjoy my presence and do what I want with what I have. I have discovered that my energy is the most precious thing; I have to honour and nourish it.

I am much happier, more mindful and more humble.

I am grateful to my painful teacher for opening my eyes to understanding "the Value of myself and my recourses". So now, if somebody asks me about my money/time balance, I know I can do anything I want if I have the right energy resources.