Maria Pareo | Psychoenergetic Work®

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Is what I do draining?

Very often, people say to me: "What you do must be draining; you must be dealing with a lot of stressful situations or hearing a lot of difficult things".

The truth is I'm drained when I do something not aligned with my purpose and who I am because I need to force myself to do something that definitely doesn't resonate with me or the things I like to do or flow naturally from me.

When I work as a therapist or facilitator or when I hold spaces, it is not my energy that I use; it flows through me, but it's not mine.

When I work with groups or people, everybody's energy is involved, and we use each other's energy to amplify the energy, which generates a beautiful flow; your soul is also nourished by the experience you have.

When you do something that disconnects you, and you feel you have to shut down parts of yourself, then it's draining because you're not using, you're not amplifying the energy, you're not letting the energy flow, but working with resistances instead.

When you try to force yourself into something you don't want to do but you do it anyway, you have to use a lot of personal will, and that requires personal energy, and to do that, you disconnect at times from the primary energy sources which are the earth, the celestial energy and the energy that comes through the relationship with other people.

Doing something you love with all of yourself is not draining; even though it can be challenging at times, it gives you so much back. There's so much meaning in what you do that gives you energy back.

When I feel nourished, revitalised, and engaged in what I'm doing, I know I am fully connected with the energies available around me.

There's an equal share between giving and receiving because we can't just give; we can't just receive; there must be a balance between giving and receiving energy.