Maria Pareo | Psychoenergetic Work®

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What is Conscious (Life) Coaching?

Conscious (Life) Coaching is a dynamic and complete tool that helps

explore and work on the underlying reason for specific blockages or resistances you may be experiencing while developing a consistent structure and healthy inner rhythm.

This profound work ensures that old unproductive mechanisms are replaced with more aligned and positive ones.

Working consciously is very empowering!

You will have the opportunity to see why and how past behaviours have served a purpose that you no longer need and how you can finally transition into the version of you you always want it to be.

This process is embedded with love and compassion and will help integrate and assimilate changes wirh profound understanding and appreciation towards the person you are now.

This approach offers an opportunity to re-write the script of your life, change limiting beliefs and develop concrete alternatives and solutions.

Benefits of Conscious (Life) Coaching:

  • Prioritise and create a pleasant routine

  • Optimise time and resources

  • Better focus and clarity of direction

  • Identify and explore motivations and goals

  • Understand resistance and limiting self-beliefs

  • Overcome the urge to procrastinate

  • Emotional support

  • Brainstorming ideas

  • Develop new skills

  • Improve self-esteem and confidence

  • Develop awareness

  • Explore new perspectives and possibilities

  • Define clear boundaries.