to Read
The secret life of water
Masaru Emoto
My voice will go with you
Transpersonal development
Roberto Assaggioli
Chakras Beginner’s Journal
Maria Pareo
Games people play
Eric Berne
Change your brain, change your life. Daniel G. Aimen
Non Violent Communication
Marshall B. Rosenberg.
The body keeps the score
Bessel Van Der Kolk
When the body says no
Gabor Maté
No bad parts
Richard C. Schwartz
The state of affairs
Esther Perel
Mating in Captivity
Esther Perel
Aggression in the play therapy
Lisa Dion
PDA in the Therapy Room
Raelene Dundon
The art of hypnotherapy
Roy Hunt
Le 5 Ferite
Lise Bou
l'uomo che piantò il chiodo
Daniel Meurois
Il gioco del perdono
Bernard Rouch