What are Reiki and Energy Healing?

Energy literally means force in action or life force; energy cannot be created or destroyed but only transformed and channelled. Energy is responsible for creating the physical reality, and the human body is an energy system in tune with the Universe. Any imbalance in the energy flow obstructs the physical body, which may result in illness.

Energy healing involves channelling universal (cosmic) energy, holding a very high prana's vibration into a person's physical and subtle bodies to facilitate energy flow. 

This healing energy has various names depending on different traditions:

  • Chi (Chinese)

  • Ki (Japanese)

  • Prana (Indian) 

  • Holy Spirit (Western) 

    Energy techniques are used in many different approaches. Here are some examples:

  • Chi Gong

  • Prana Healing

  • Essenian therapies

  • Reiki

  • Quantum & Theta healing

  • Chakra healing

  • Aura reading

One of the most popular approaches in this field used in the western world is Reiki which means higher power or spiritual power.

Reiki is a hands-on modality involving channelling universal energy into the client's body and energy field. This work promotes deep relaxation and reduces stress levels by restoring balance to the nervous system; it also improves the overall health of the being and facilitates the natural activation of the person's inner resources.

During a Reiki session, the recipient lies or sits on a chair while the practitioner gently places the hands in a series of positions on or near the body. It is not a massage, and no physical manipulation is involved. The therapist will treat the whole person or focus is a specific area or Chakra and may use specific symbols.

Reiki has no side effects and can be highly beneficial when we feel overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, tired, disconnected and isolated and as a complementary healing tool to support emotional, physical and mental recovery.

Reiki or energy healing can also help with the following:

~ Pregnancy and after birth to support change

~ To calm children, promoting tranquillity and better sleep

~ Reassure animals to encourage relaxation, calm and well-being

~ To bring comfort, inner peace and acceptance during any life's transition

~ Recharge the batteries when we feel tired, fatigued or depleted

~ Relax the mind and the body, letting go of overwhelm and stress


What are Essenian Therapies?


What is Energy psychology?