Maria Pareo | Psychoenergetic Work®

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What is Energy psychology?

Energy psychology, or bioenergy therapy, describes the energetic and subtle correlations in every human relationship, involving behaviour, beliefs, thoughts, emotions, feelings and sensations.

Energy psychotherapy is a powerful yet gentle modality to undestand, process and integrate emotional trauma by working simultaneously on many levels of your being.

When we are ill or suffer trauma, we often experience an inner separation (self-fragmentation) on different levels, holding an intense emotional charge that, if not released, will affect the overall physical state. Over time, the body will retain this energetic charge produced by the unprocessed emotions and memories in the cells of the physical body.

By combining psychological work with energy techniques, we can access and release these hidden memories causing the imbalance and restore emotional well-being and the natural flow of energy.

This modality supports a deep understanding of the root cause of dysfunctional life patterns and unconscious mechanisms that lead you to develop specific behaviours towards yourself or others, allowing for more aligned and aware choices.