Is it possible to heal completely?

It often happens that despite the long and deep work done on our wounds, they reopen ... why?

I often wonder if it is possible to heal entirely and what healing itself means. As we understand it, healing means no longer suffering when a particular dynamic occurs and no longer being triggered by certain situations. Healing means "restoring the self to natural wholeness" to the very core.

Yes, It is possible to find equilibrium concerning a particular dynamic, but that state of balance is not necessarily eternal. I could heal my arm and break my leg tomorrow ... some life lessons are sadly out of our control. And the same "fracture" could have roots in such wounds but contain a different life lesson.

What I have learned so far is that every lived experience cannot be observed from a single point of view; there are different degrees and levels of understanding and integration that match the evolutionary state in which we find ourselves (which varies from moment to moment and from person to person).

For this reason, especially traumatic experiences have a "circular" motion to return and recur in our lives, a motion that I would define as a spiral.

These circular movements allow us to revisit what has been separated within us from multiple points of view to deeply understand the purpose of that specific experience in our lives and how to achieve deeper awareness, integration and forgiveness.

This does not mean that, for our entire existence, we will have to rework and relive certain sufferings; but remain open to the prospect that some inner separations or wounds of the soul are always an opportunity for growth and expansion for our conscience if managed and welcomed with love and humility.


How did I miss it? Falling in love with fantasies…


Kids take it personally.