The importance of the Healing Space

When we enter a space, we get instantly impacted by the aesthetic of the colours, shapes, and smells, but most of all, its energy and how it makes us feel. A genuinely caring and loving space emanates positive vibrations that allow you to open up and relax, as you almost feel embraced by it.

A low vibrational space creates tension and restlessness in the human system, and you may also notice a change in how you breathe and sensations in your muscles. To know if a place is aligned with your energy and is good for you, scan your body and see how it responds, the quality of your thoughts and how you generally feel.

Ancient healers knew the effect of an environment on a person's well-being. According to their traditions, the Essene used different tools to cleanse, purify and consecrate their living space, and I use a similar ritual for my home and healing space.

Specifically, every element within the healing space is a function of the healing process itself. The chairs, the bed, the colours and the paintings on the wall hold a specific vibration; it is essential to combine these elements mindfully and consciously.

My therapy room is a sanctuary, a place of freedom and compassion that allows people to express themselves openly, facilitating a deep inner dialogue between their body and soul, and that's why my studio or healing space has always been in my place.  

Every element in my space is meaningful and sacred; it took me years to fing the right combination of elements for my work.

When you enter my healing room, you feel embraced by a soft gentleness and natural light that streams through the windows. The room has a soothing colour palette dominated by gold, yellows and greens, promoting balance and relaxation. The plants, carefully arranged throughout the space, contribute to the healing atmosphere and participate in the healing.

A discreet candle and aromatherapy diffuser emits gentle fragrances, subtly engaging the sense of smell to enhance focus and relaxation further. The chairs are the most important part of the room as they provide support and comfort to open yourself to new perspectives and profound transformation.

My healing room, the fusion of aesthetics, comfort, and functionality, creates an environment that promotes relaxation and trust, supporting mental and emotional well-being. 

It's a space where healing becomes a fulfilling and profound journey.


The importance of finding and keeping your life rhythm.


What is Holistic Healing?