The importance of finding and keeping your life rhythm.

Everyone has a life's rhythm to follow a song within, a note to keep, and it is your job to keep that note.

Sometimes, because of the noise around us, we lose the note.

You sing it too quietly when we are supposed to be loud, or we are too loud when we are meant to be still.

I don't know if you have been part of a choir; at some point, everybody sings different notes or different parts, and the voices start overlapping, and when that happens, your note may get lost. You can't hear it anymore, and you start panicking, looking around, trying to find the people who are singing the same note as you so you can catch up.

It is your job to keep listening, to find that note, to keep that note, even if anything anybody around is too loud or it's trying to overpower your note or taking that note away from you.

It may happen during life because it's part of life; you may want to try different music and different genres and see which one you like the most.

I've been reflecting on life's rhythm because I can see that we are losing the natural rhythm we should keep in life; we are forced to follow a rhythm that sometimes is not very natural or healthy for us.

We run from one place to another, we are constantly distracted by social media or external things, and we may not pay attention to what's happening inside.

So, just check in to see how your note is holding. Are you holding your note? What is your note? What songs are you playing right now? Do you like that song?

You may want to find your choir; perhaps you are playing within a choir that is not right for you. You may want to try a different choir that allows you to play your note, to keep it steady, to keep it playing, and to appreciate that note.

This is my invitation for today: hold that note, keep playing your sacred song!


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