Maria Pareo | Psychoenergetic Work®

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The Chakra System. What are Chakras, and where are they located?

Chakras are both entrances and exits for the cosmic life force, prāṇa. The Chakras, also called wheels, altars or energy centres, are located along the vertebral column at the crossing points of the Nadis. Almost everyone "sees" and "feels" the Chakras as funnels that rotate, simultaneously sliding the energy back and forth. The first and seventh Chakras have vertical emission. Muladhara, the first Chakra, is connected to the telluric, earthy energies, and Sahasrara, the seventh Chakra, is connected to the celestial, divine energies. The remaining Chakras have a posterior and anterior correspondence, and their emission is horizontal. 

Chakra 0, Earth Chakra

The Earth Chakra is located 12-18 inches below the feet. 

Colour: Brown, black, mixed black & white. 

Connections: Foot Chakra, the earth's energy, environment, bone, blood and physical well-being. 

This Chakra anchors all the pieces of the human puzzle, and it's the grounding point of the whole 12 Charka system; it is also the keeper of karmic cycles, past lives, and DNA-related and hereditary issues. A balanced Earth Star Chakra allow us to discharge negative and impure energies to the ground and, at the same time to draw on its pure and nourishing power; this exchange allows us to ground the etheric body in the physical world. 

This Chakra also connects to: 

  • Earthly divine energies

  • Living multi-dimensional spirit of Gaia Crystalline grid, magnetic core of the earth Universal energies

  • Collective consciousness

  • Humanity. 

Muladhara Root Chakra

Mula means “root”, and Adhara means “support or base”. Muladhara is located where the kundalini begins at the end of the spine.

Petals: 4 | Element: Earth | Colour: Red | Gland: Adrenals | Mantra: Lam Sense: Smell | Hindu animal: Elephant/snake

Body connections:

  • Bones & skeletal structure

  • Teeth, nails, feet & legs

  • The large intestine, kidneys.

  • Coccyx & anus

Muladhara energy creates an energetic bridge between the physical body and the telluric energies. This sacred and invisible bond allows us to ground awareness in the here and now. The functions of Muladhara are interrelated to the physical body and material needs. The survival instinct, primordial and primary needs, such as food, home, security and belonging to a tribe. When we satisfy our essential needs without attachment or dependence on the material world, when we dominate our instincts and respect our body by working in harmony with the telluric energies, we are in balance with this part of us. This inner work provides us with vitality, security, stability and the ability to cope with stress and fear.

Svadhishtana, Sacral Chakra

“Swa” means: to take pleasure in - “Adhisthana” means abode or seat. Svadishtana is located in the lower abdomen, below the navel.

Petals: 6 | Element: Water | Colour: Orange | Gland: Gonad | Mantra: Vam Sense: Taste | Hindu animal: Crocodile

Body connections:

  • Ovaries & prostate

  • Womb/uterus

  • Small intestine & bladder

  • Immune system & body fluids.

The Svadishtana Chakra deals with neurological energies, emotions and desires, cravings, projects, childhood trauma, motherhood, the inner child, creativity and change. It also deals with the fluids in the body, including lymph and blood. This Chakra also connects to the vital force that drives us to realize and manifest our dreams and get what we want. Imbalances can manifest in excessive passion, co-dependency mechanisms, lack of desires, blockages in the affective field, blocked emotions, possessiveness, jealousy, guilt, envy and lust.

Manipura, Solar plexus Chakra

Manipura translates as "resplendent or lustrous gem" and is located slightly below the solar plexus.

Petals: 10 | Element: Fire | Colour: Yellow | Gland: Pancreas | Mantra: Ram Sense: Sight | Hindu animal: Ram

Body connections:

  • Spleen & liver

  • Stomach

  • Solar plexus

  • Digestive system

  • Muscles Epigastric region.

The Manipura Chakra deals with the metabolism, the assimilative powers of the body, the digestive system and stress levels. It is the seat of the ego, personal power, self-identity, and the desire to connect, acquire, control and encompass. Positive energies of this Chakra manifest as engagement, confidence, courage, determination, generosity, enthusiasm, willpower, strength and clarity of direction.

Unbalances manifest as selfishness, anger, self-absorption, stubbornness, cowardice, lack of determination, discouragement, control, immaturity, avidity and emotional turmoil.

Anahata, Heart Chakra

Anahata means "unhurt, unstuck, and unbeaten" And is located in the centre of the chest.

Petals: 12 | Element: Air | Colour: Pink/Green | Gland: Thymus | Mantra: Yam Sense: Touch | Hindu animal: Antelope

Body connections:

• Blood
• Skin
• Heart and cardiac plexus • Lungs and breasts
• Lymphatic system
• Circulatory system.

The Anahata Chakra controls the cardio-pulmonary system and metabolism. It is the seat of the divine self (Ātman), the soul and the seed atom. It is related to human feelings of affection, community service, compassion and selflessness. The qualities corresponding to this Chakra are kindness, trust, generosity, alchemical transformation, forgiveness and acceptance. Imbalances in this Chakra manifest with the closure of the heart, desire to dominate others, loneliness, isolation, humiliation, inability to open and trust, coldness and detachment.

Andara, Higher Heart Chakra

Andara, the higher heart chakra, is located below the breastbone, in the centre of our chest and is the seat of the thymus gland.

The etheric heart relates to the thymus gland; the thymus translates from Greek into vital energy.

From this centre, empathy and enthusiasm originate. The thymus is connected to the immune system and serves as the body's defence mechanism providing surveillance and protection against various pathogens, tumours, antigens and mediators of tissue damage.

Other functions of this Chakra concern higher forms of expression where the heart can express its divine truth beyond the ego, compassion and forgiveness. In the higher heart, the vibration produced by words and sound expands in the etheric body, creating a powerful healing effect.

Vishuddhi, Throat Chakra

Vi means “especially”, and Shuddhi means “pure” , “especially pure.” Vishuddha is located in the throat region.

Petals: 16 "| Element: Ether | Colour: Blue | Gland: Thyroid | Mantra: Ham

Sense: Hearing | Hindu animal: White elephant

Body connections:

  • Thyroid & parathyroid Jaw

  • Mouth & tongue

  • Oesophagus & neck

  • Larynx & vocal cords

  • Trachea & superior arts

  • Cervical spine.

Vishuddha is the first of the three spiritual chakras. This energy centre deals with intellectual development, the power of speech, personal will and higher intuition. The qualities of this Chakra manifest as wisdom, creative expression capable of manifesting what is said, courage, patience, self-acceptance, sensitivity, loyalty, intelligence, reliability, determination, integrity, clarity, coherence, purity of purpose, justice and true listening. Imbalances in this Chakra manifest with lies, falsity, fear of judgment, foolishness, logorrhoea, opportunism, rambling, a sense of injustice, shame and verbal manipulation. Aligning with the energy of this Chakra means knowing how to speak, listen and express oneself from a higher form of expression, and maintaining a balance and objectivity that comes out of the personal, emotional and selfless sphere. It is the ability to communicate the pure truth of one's feelings with authenticity and without attachment. Rebalancing the lower Chakras prepares for this level of consciousness.

Ajna, third eye Chakra

Ajna means “command or beyond wisdom” and is located in the brain,
behind the centre of the eyebrows.

Two petals: Atma (Self ) and Paramatma (God) containing 100 petals each

Element: LightColour: Indigo | Gland: Pituitary | Mantra: Om | Sense: Sixth sense | Hindu Animal: Owl

Body connections:

  • Left eye

  • Head

  • The lower part of the brain & sinuses

  • Nose & ears.

Ajna Chakra deals with intuition and spiritual will. The symbol of Ajna is a two-petaled flower, which represents duality implicit in existence, "I am one, who becomes two". The right petal connects to the sun (yang), and the left petal connects to the moon (yin). Ajna controls, coordinates and participates in all the functions of the underlying Chakra and is responsible for psycho-somatic balance, the ability to recognise, regulate and synchronise while maintaining the integrity of one's individuality. The qualities corresponding to this Chakra are intuition, clarity of thought, mental balance, spiritual perceptions, sleep and dreams, inner vision and connection to the subtle worlds. Imbalances in this Chakra manifest themselves with chaotic psychic experiences, mental confusion, stuckness, rigidity, illusion, delusion, false beliefs, foolishness, fragmentation of the self and spiritual manipulation. This Chakra also represents the point of union between the high and the low. The opening of the third eye drops the veil of Maya, the illusion of the world's appearances, giving us the ability to see beyond and connect to the third dimension generated by the union of dual energies.

Sahasrara, Crown Chakra

Sahasrara means thousand-petaled and is located on the crown of the head.

Petals: 1000 | Element: Cosmo | Colour: Purple/white/gold | Gland: Pineal | Mantra: Hri/aum/m | Sense: Beyond self | Hindu animal: Egg

Body connections:

  • Hair

  • Right eye

  • Upper skull

  • Cerebral cortex

  • Central nervous system.

The energies of Sahasrara Chakra are purely spiritual and unconditioned by any material influences. Sahasrara emanates pure light, containing all colours and is also called “Brahmarandhra” (the door to God) and the “centre of a million rays” because it radiates like the sun. Sahasrara is the home of Medha Shakti, a hormone that affects brain functions such as memory, concentration and intelligence. All the Nadis unite in this energy centre, like the waters of a thousand rivers pouring into the sea. The awakening of the Sahasrara Chakra reveals the splendour of the spirit, free from all attachment and the attainment of the supreme consciousness, enlightenment (Samadi) through stillness.

Paramashiva, Soul Star, the 8th Chakra

" I am the beginning and the end." Located a few inches above the head.

Element: Divine/soul | Colour: White silver - purple | Gland: None | Sound: Silence | Sense: Transcendence | Seeds: Timelessness | Hindu animal: Dove - hawk.

The eighth Chakra is also called the "star of the healers", who generally use this Chakra during spiritual practices or therapies.

It is also a centre for shamanic healing and communication with spirit guides and is associated with the holy spirit.

Parama Shiva Chakra is pure non-incarnated energy, the centre of higher consciousness and divine guidance, oneness, spiritual compassion and selflessness. Soul Star is a portal between physical and non-physical, temporal and eternal, and the element of this Chakra is invisibility. This Chakra is a spiritual compass that connects us to our higher purpose. We must fulfil physical reality through the human incarnation and acceptance of the body and material reality, this divine plan. This centre can be activated and stimulated by meditation practices, breathing work and the use of some frequencies and vibrations. Paramashiva opens to allow access to parallel universes, the Akashic records and the sphere of potentialities in the making.