What are Hybrid Souls?

I always thought that being a hybrid made me wrong and distant. Everyone belongs to something or defines themselves in specific ways; I can't. I don't lead an ordinary life; there is nothing to which I feel particularly attached; I like to mix various things in a weird way that makes a lot of sense to me; I like to be part of everything and part of nothing at the same time.

I have worked hard to understand myself, my behaviour, my fears, especially specific resistances, my difficulties engaging in small talk, and the awkward feeling of inadequacy in most relationships.

When you are born a hybrid and try to fit in, you constantly doubt yourself. What's wrong with me? Am I the wrong one?

What have I done this time? What part of me came through that was supposed to hold back? What got out of my control this time?

You always end up punishing and blaming yourself for something ... It is exhausting!

Like anybody else, I have grown up with specific environmental standards, trying to convince myself that I would have to decide and define myself at some point. Blaming myself for not having tried hard enough or done enough to be what was aspected of me, and guess what... is never going to happen!

The other day in a room full of people, I looked around and noticed that I was the only one in the middle without a table, without a group ... I was right in the centre, I saw everyone, I was with everyone but also alone with myself.

How important is it to belong to something for you? How do you feel?

What are the contraindications of not being able to define yourself or feel that you are part of something?

Fortunately, there has been a lot of talk about hybrids in recent years, which makes me enormously happy because I can see how hybrids will be an essential part of the future.

Hybrid individuals are souls with open perspectives, able to blend and bring opposites closer so they can serve each other in the eternal becoming. Of course, this may come with feeling lonely, misunderstood and isolated sometimes, but you are not alone.

And what do you think?


The importance of Conscious Communication during conflicts.


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