Maria Pareo | Psychoenergetic Work®

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What Is Parts Therapy?

Have you ever felt that a part (parts) of you wants to achieve something, but another part (or parts) wants different things or is holding you back? For example: "A part of you wants to succeed in something, and another part of you feels afraid or resistant to it..."?  This is the most compelling example to describe Part Work Therapy.

Parts Work Therapy, or Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy, is an integrative therapeutic approach that focuses on the different parts or aspects of an individual's personality or psyche. It is based on the premise that within each person, various internal parts may have different beliefs, emotions, and desires. These parts can sometimes conflict, leading to inner turmoil and distress.

Parts Therapy aims to help individuals develop a greater understanding and harmony among these internal parts. It involves exploring and identifying different parts, understanding their roles, and fostering a compassionate relationship between them. The therapist works with the client to facilitate communication and negotiation among these parts, allowing for healing, integration, and self-awareness.

Parts Therapy is used for various  issues, including trauma, anxiety, depression, addiction, and relationship problems and with any issue where the client is experiencing inner conflict through this work, you can experience significant shifts in feelings and an increase in:

  • Motivation and quality of presence

  • Self-acceptance and understanding of yourself

  • Self-esteem and confidence

  • Stress reduction

  • Better inner connection

Parts therapy and voice dialogue is integrated into my work; discover more…